Elder Care Alliance BSHC CBS ETHOS

The Elder Care Alliance is a nonprofit collaboration of the three ASAPs (Aging Service Access Points) that serve Boston

Boston Senior Home Care

Serves Beacon Hill, Charlestown, Chinatown, Dorchester, Downtown, East Boston, Mattapan, North End, South Boston, West End.
Address : 89 South Street, Suite 501, Boston, MA 02111
Tel : 617-451-6400

Central Boston Elder Services

Serves Allston, Brighton, Back Bay, Fenway, Mission Hill, North Dorchester, North Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, South End
Address : 2315 Washington St. Roxbury, MA 02119
Tel :617-277-7416


Serves Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roslindale, West Roxbury
Address : 555 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Tel : 617-522-6700

ASAPs are nonprofit organizations which are committed to helping older people live independently in their homes and communities by providing high quality, affordable home and community-based care. ASAPs are governed by an elected board of elders and professionals.

Eligibility for services is based on age, income and need. The cost of home care services for eligible persons is determined by a sliding scale fee based on a client's income. Many of our clients qualify to receive services free of charge. Call Boston ElderINFO to request service information and apply for services: 617-292-6211 or e-mail bei@bshcinfo.org.

Elder Care Alliance's mission is to improve the lives of elders by obtaining new sources of funding to enhance each agency's existing services and by creating new, innovative citywide programs to address elders' unmet needs. Each of the three ASAPs arrange for low-income, frail elders to receive needed services, including: homemaking, personal care, Meals on Wheels and transportation. Private donations to the Elder Care Alliance help elders in Boston remain at home with independence and dignity. Current collaborative efforts include:

  • Boston Money Management Program (BMMP): a program which helps elders pay their bills and organize their finances so they can meet their housing, nutrition and health care needs.
  • Boston ElderINFO: a comprehensive information and referral program.
  • Boston Protective Services: investigates and resolves allegations of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of elders.